Overcoming Appetite Diet High Current Medium
- Hunger is not always signify the body requires food intake. The desire to eat is also often arise because of a high appetite although previously we had just eaten. This condition would be a challenge when we're trying to keep the weight badan.Kesulitan restrain appetite, according to psychologists Tara de Thouars, M.Psi, come from poor eating behavior so that the self-control of the food into small sulit.Contohnya since we are always told that eating should be exhausted, if there is love our food should be accepted and so on. Things like this carries through to us today and make self-control of the food to be difficult, "said Tara in Light Weight Day event organized by the clinic LightHouse Indonesia, on Saturday (12.05.15) .Nafsu eat high if unopposed usually makes us even eating more with justifying. "All the people basically want to be happy. If we eat, we are happy. If we oppose it, there will be a boost for the fight of our body so that we eat and seek excuse for what we do, "katanya.Untuk resolve this issue, Tara told the importance of self-control against the desire to eat. Self-control must also be accompanied by a change of mindset towards food to be balanced. Doing relaxation also helps us to distract from the food. "The easiest way is relaxation. Our body should be relaxed. Suppose there is a desire to eat, do relaxation. Inhale 10 minutes. Think again whether we should eat or not, "another ujarnya.Cara fairly effective, according to Hage dr.Sophia, sports medicine specialist, is to do sports activities. "In sports, we please ourselves. Because there are endorphins released the body. In addition, because the body benefit, we got a special motivation, "said Sophia.Namun, there are some things that must be considered to exercise can be effective. "We have to find appropriate and what sport we love. If we get in a workout in a negative energy, the result will be negative as well. If positive, we can also be positive. This will be the driving force of its own to control one's meal. Consciously, he will put the brakes on appetite, "ujarnya.Sophia also suggest that we pay attention to time to eat after exercise." When we exercise, desire to eat must always appear. Do not follow the lust. Let your body rest one to two hours, then eat, katanya.Sebaiknya also we do not directly exercise after eating, at least one or two hours later a new exercise. To help speed up the burning of calories, he suggested the exercise of moderate intensity by doing more cardio like jogging, swimming and cycling. "Exercise should be done is that is moderate intensity cardio with a time of 30-60 minutes and performed 3-5 times in a week, "he said. (Gibran Linggau)